Today, as I think about the many people and loved ones who have helped fill my life with love, I am especially thinking of one man I knew as my ‘Uncle Cork’. Corkie was a nickname for a nixie little boy who grew into an intelligent and loving man named Curtis, but for those of us in the family, he was always Cork. The Lord called him home yesterday. I want to share in the joy of his homecoming with Our Lord and Savior, but it is still the great loss to all of us who remain!
For as long as I can remember, my Uncle Cork has been a part of my life. When I think of my earliest memories of him, I see him flipping burgers at the family get-togethers, always willing to get in on the games and forever having another story to share. As I grew and became a woman, I came to know him not just as a friend but also as loving, full hearted, softy who could show you how to string a bow, shoot the arrow he fletched himself and cry with you as you listened to the classics like Bach and Puccini. My Uncle Cork was a loving, caring man filled with joy. When you needed to hear a story that you knew had to be a ‘bit of a fib’ but it made you laugh, he always had one to share. He was also a quiet man of God who loved with all of his heart, held you when you needed a hug, and held those he loved in a special place in his soul.
As I sit and contemplate how I will miss him, I am so happy to know that he is in heaven with our beloved Savior and having dinner with his beautiful Charcie, eating the venison from that 12 point buck he ‘bagged’ just this morning.
I love you Uncle Corkie!
I’ll miss your warm hugs, how you cried at every performance and tried to hide it, and our long chats about the better times! XX
You did such a great job with this. I feel much the same qbout the man and the legend the is Corkie Book. I will miss his Ermil stories and wish I had written them down. He visited my Grandmother for years when my family could not doing chores for her she could not do. My Dad went into hospital years ago I was in Florida had to call him and when I did he rushed to my parents side. He visited from that week on every week they were home I think sometimes when they were not. He had a key. To all of our hearts God bless his Scottish soul and his heart. God bless all of you!
I feel much the same about him. The twinkle in his eyes and his nixie bow and arrow music appreciating jovial self will be forever missed. I wrote something much longer sent to Lisa and Karen on messenger. God bless all who mourn him. No good memory or bit of love shared can ever be taken from us.
Thank you for this! He really was an amazing man and Uncle!