Several years ago, while lobbying in Washington DC for the National MS Society, one of my fellow activists had a beautiful golden retriever service dog. When I inquired about him, she explained that he was a ‘Balance Dog’. That day while I walked through both houses of Congress meeting with 5 different legislators, her beautiful boy accompanied us to every meeting. You see, the doorways at the offices in Congress are very narrow because they were built long before the Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted, and therefore they are not wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair or a mobility scooter. That was when her beautiful boy would come into play. He waited patiently to help her to walk into the offices for our meetings with the legislators.

Several years later when I started experiencing balance issues myself and had even fallen several times, I prayed for guidance on the next step in my journey with MS. That was when The Lord led me to Susquehanna Service Dogs (SSD). I read over their application process and decided to at least send the initial inquiry to see if they felt I was a good candidate. They decided to meet with me to discuss my physical issues and sent me the complete application. The application was long and very thorough with personal information, doctor’s forms for the several specialists I see and personal references to be filled out. The application process was long, and the paperwork was significant but, the journey has been amazing!

The Path to an Assistance Dog
In December 2021, I met with the SSD application committee, and after discussing the need for the dog to always be with me, even on the stage; they decided that I was a good candidate, and I officially went on their waiting list.
The waiting period can be anywhere from 2 to 4 years because balance dogs have a lot to learn. Not only must they be able to help you balance while walking, but they also pick up things for you, open doors, pull you as you ascend stairs and give resistance as you descend them, alert others when you fall and accompany you on your scooter to help you get where you’re going as a ‘personal valet’. But most importantly they must be large enough to match your stature. Being 5’6” I would never have thought that I would almost be too large for the breeds they work with. I just got under the wire with needing my 70-pound hero! Also, once SSD feels they have dogs to meet the criteria you need in a service dog, it can take several meetings with numerous dogs until they find your perfect pooch.
In February, 2024; I had my first meeting with my boy. His name was Carpenter, and he was amazing! Not only was he attentive and sweet but I sensed that this was going to be a heavenly match. Again we discussed the complexity of training the dog to be comfortable on stage with me in any setting from churches to concert halls. The trainers had me do several tests to see how we got along and how me worked together as a team. As he walked with me, I immediately felt completely at ease with my uneven gait as he lent his support. Then we rehearsed him coming to me when I called, sitting, and laying down when I gave the command and finally walking again with a harness and stopping when I told him to do so. I have to admit, with him at my side made my walking fell so much more secure and stable. The hardest thing about that day was having to leave and trusting that God was placing us together. It took several weeks but, I found out that they were going to move to the next step and he was being trained for my needs.

In June 2024, Carprenter and I began our journey together. It took us 3 weeks of training, getting to know each other and bonding to find that we were meant for each other, Carpenter not only is my support and strength when I am weary, he has become my comforter and friend along my life’s journey. Even now, as I finalize this post he is laying at my feet, not working but just enjoying spending time with me as my companion, friend and beautiful gift from God.