Well 2020, came and there have been so many changes to our year. As I stated in a previous blog, in 2016, after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I took on a new commission. As we were hit with the hardship that a high deductible on our medical coverage, my life took a turn in a direction that I would never have considered. I agreed to be a District Advocate Leader (DAL) for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. What is a DAL? We are given the task of reaching out to our Senators and Representatives on both the State and Federal levels, to lobby for laws to help the funding and research needed to fight against MS and it’s many debilitating side effects. As I am never sure where the Lord’s path will guide me, I would never have thought just three weeks after this picture was taken in March 2020 in Washington DC, all over the world, we would shelter in our homes just praying that Jesus would guide us through this dark time in our world history. COVID19 had paralized the world. So, my singing missions, have come to an abrubt halt and only the birds and the neigbors get to hear me sing as I practice to keep my voice in shape. I am still traveling my path with Him and as before, I am pryaing thet He guides all of us through this dark time.
I pray that the Lord will continue to guide all of you in the coming New Year. Once you open your heart to Him, the path may not be what you planned, but the journey will make everyday worth living as you travel with Him!